machine for weaving cloth
come into sight without a clear form, especially so as to seem very large and threatening, causing fear
"Another air plane loomed into the sky"
"The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain"
"Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall"
"The terrible vision brooded over her all day long"
"materials loomed in Egypt"
Spiders..wont to set vp their loomes in euery windowe.
出自: fig.
The bandstand..looms up out of the dark.
出自: S. Barstow
Big ships loom at the ends of city streets.
出自: Clive James
The grey school buildings loomed out of the rain.
出自: D. Murphy
Taxation has always loomed large among political issues.
出自: R. Scruton
A dark cloud loomed up over the horizon.
一片乌云突然出现在天际。 loom up n\u002e
He loomed up a horrible figure.