the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant
用作名词 (n.)
Treetop Village comes into play tapped. 树顶村落须横置进场。
But when poachers carrying rifles or machetes traipse by a detector, it will send a radio signal to a treetop antenna. 而当偷猎者携带步枪或弯刀行走到探测器附近的时候,探测器就会发送一个无线电讯号到树顶的天线上。
If the moon hangs venicosum, the wisps of pure treetop gentle water-like moonlight. 玉盘似的圆月挂上了树梢,那缕缕冰清玉洁的月光如水般温柔。
Cards affected by this change are Elven Riders, Silhana Ledgewalker, Treetop Bracers, Treetop Rangers, and Treetop Scout. 受此改变所影响的牌包括地精骑队,西哈纳檐行者,树梢护臂,以及树顶斥候。