a special thing that a king or queen wears on his or her head at important times
the governing power of a kingdom
put a crown on
be or have at the top of
cause to put an end or a happy finishing touch to
"the colonies revolted against the Crown"
"the view from the peak was magnificent"
"they clambered to the tip of Monadnock"
"the region is a few molecules wide at the summit"
"tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown"
"The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey"
"The speech crowned the meeting"
"A weather vane crowns the building"
"crown my teeth"
The Kings go by with jewelled crowns.
出自: J. Masefield
When they had platted a crowne of thornes, they put it vpon his head.
出自:Bible (AV): Matthew
To crown Him Lord of All.
出自: E. Perronet
Thou..hast crowned him with glory and honour.
出自:Bible (AV): Psalms