a hole in the ground
a coal mine
mark with pits
"they dug a pit to bury the body"
"you should remove the stones from prunes before cooking"
"Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell"
"a demon from the depths of the pit"
"Hell is paved with good intentions"
"a British term for `quarry' is `stone pit'"
"let them match their best athletes against ours"
"pit a chess player against the Russian champion"
"He plays his two children off against each other"
"The skin disease scarred his face permanently"
"pit plums and cherries"
A land of deserts and of pittes.
出自:Bible (AV): Jeremiah
We looked down into two massive pits, ten or fifteen feet deep.
出自: J. Reed
Jean was in a deep pit of depression.
出自: fig.
Bryan ate a cherry, putting the large pit neatly into an empty dish.
出自: J. May
They..were pitted like beasts, tumbled into the graue.
出自: T. Granger
He dug and pitted the potatoes.
出自: S. G. Osborne
They pitted two cocks against each other.