an extravagant comedy in which action is more salient than characterization
用作名词 (n.)
A short 19th-century melodrama is often part of the show. 短小的19世纪式的情景剧常是表演的一部分。
When I was 16, I saw a 1978 made-for-TV melodrama called Women at West Point. 我16岁那年看了一部1978年拍摄的有关西点军校女性的情节剧。
It had all the elements of melodrama you could want. 这其中你可以找到你想要看的情节紧张剧中的一切要素。
The scene in Kauai's harbour on August 26th has been followed by more melodrama. 随着8月26日在考艾岛港发生的那场风波之后,一波未平一波又起。
Normally, he was a factual and realistic person, rarely given to flights of fancy or contemplations of melodrama. 在正常情况下,他是个尊重事实,讲究实际的人,一般不想入非非,或作离奇的设想。