Eyes are set plastic eyes, and the dolls have rooted hair. 眼睛是用塑料做成的,并且有牢固的头发。
She looked down the glaring red road, cut in deep ruts where cannon wheels and ambulances had gone over it. 她顺着红光闪烁的大路向前望去,只见路上尽是深陷的车辙,那是炮车和救护车碾过后留下来的。
The eurozone is an economy in deep structural difficulty. 欧元区经济存在根深蒂固的结构性难题。
Unknowingly, this American was experiencing a vestige of protocol rooted centuries deep in the Japanese culture. 这位美国女士不知不觉领教了日本几百年来根深蒂固的文化传统。