having a sharp taste like aspirin or unsweetened coffee; not sweet
difficult to accept causing sorrow; unwelcome
caused by, feeling or showing envy, hated or disappointment
piercingly cold
bitter beer strongly flavoured with hops
"an acrimonious dispute"
"bitter about the divorce"
"the bitter truth"
"a bitter sorrow"
"an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"
"a barrage of acid comments"
"her acrid remarks make her many enemies"
"bitter words"
"blistering criticism"
"caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"
"a sulfurous denunciation"
"a vitriolic critique"
"shed bitter tears"
"a bitter struggle"
"bitter enemies"
"quinine is bitter"
"bitter cold"
"a biting wind"
"it was bitterly cold"
"bitter cold"
All words..Failing to give the bitter of the sweet.
出自: Tennyson
Woman is a Mixture of Sweets and Bitters.
出自: E. Jong
All men are agreed to call vinegar sour, honey sweet, and aloes bitter.
出自: Burke
Without sugar or cream it was bitter as gall.
出自: M. Mitchell
Bitter and very toxic leaves which even goats will not sample.
出自: Anthony Huxley