- 纽约市两百周年公司; New York City Bicentennial Corporation;
- 公司 corporation
- 两百周年 bicentenary
- 我司已被指定为纽约市古德里奇·鲁伯公司在东京区的独家代理。特此通知。 I inform you that I have been appointed the sole agent in Tokyo for the Goodrich Rubber co. New York City.
- 莫扎特逝世两百周年纪念是什么时候? When is the two hundredth anniversary of Mozart's death?
- 周年 annual
- 纽约市 New York city
- 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。 New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills.
- 由于种种原因,众参两院在这两百周年里,一开始[议程进度]就比往常迟缓。 For various reasons, the House and Senate, in their bicentennial year, have gotten off to an even slower start than usual.
- 那位政治家退休时是纽约市市长。 The statesman retired as the mayor of New York.
- 纽约市街是按序编号的。 The streets of New York City are numbered in consecutive order.
- 劳驾,二一二班机什么时候到达纽约市? Could you tell me what time Flight 212 arrives in New York City?
- 纽约市芭蕾舞团 New York City Ballet
- 曼哈顿岛[美国纽约市] Manhattan Island
- 纽约市由五个行政区组成 New York City consists of five boroughs.
- 纽约市在财富方面居第一位。 New York City ranks first in wealth.
- 纽约市美国电话公司和电报公司合并。 Incorporation of American Telephone and Telegraph Company, New York City.
- 纽约市的地势 the geography of New York City
- 纽约市人 New Yorker
- 超级泵浦车<美国纽约市消防局用于扑救大火灾的移动泵站 super pumper