- 大气中如果没有氧和氮,人就无法生存于地球了。
If it were not for oxygen and nitrogen in the air, no man could live on the earth.
- 没有空气或水,我们就无法生存。
We can't live without air or water.
- 没有一个人可以不呼吸而生存。
No one can live without breathing.
- 没有食物和水我们不能生存。
We can not exist without food or water.
- 没有空气,人们就不能生存。
People cannot live without air.
- 钾是所有生物生存必须的。
Potassium is necessary to the existence of all living things.
- 污染对这一物种的继续生存造成了威胁。
Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.
- 没有空气人就不能生存。
Man cannot exist without air.