- 这些污迹擦不掉。
These stains won't rub off.
- 墨水没乾很容易弄出污迹。
Wet ink smudges easily.
- 你脸上有块煤灰污迹。
You'vegot a smudge of soot on your cheek.
- 我弄不掉地毯上的咖啡污迹。
I can't get these coffee stains out of the carpet.
- 她把有污迹的衣服在洗衣粉里浸了一夜。
She steeped the stained cloth in bleach overnight.
- 我使劲擦也擦不掉那污迹。
I rubbed hard but the stain just wouldn't go.
- 用凉水可洗去你裙子上的污迹。
Cold water should take that stain out of your skirt.