- 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇。
The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
- 这件事明天可能宣布--也可能不宣布,看情形吧。
There may be an announcement about this tomorrow or not, as the case may be.
- 一个假设的情形
A hypothetical situation.
- 优越的位置提供广泛全面的观点或看法的位置,如一个地方或一种情形
A position that affords a broad overall view or perspective, as of a place or situation.
- 他生气时就大叫,这是常有的情形。
He shouts when he gets angry, as is often the case.
- 在这种情形下我们无法作任何揣测。
We cannot assume anything in this case.