- 当他宣布竞赛的优胜者时,大家都静静地倾听。
Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.
- 老师宣布她将惩罚那个坏学生。
The teacher blazoned she would punish the bad student.
- 我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。
I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter.
- 骚乱恶化,政府只得宣布进入紧急状态。
The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.
- 我特此宣布她已经当选。
I hereby declare her elected.
- 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year.
- 我现在宣布会议开幕。
I now declare this meeting open.
- 总统宣布将发行新货币。
The president proclaimed that a new currency would be issued.