- 孩子们让小丑的滑稽动作逗得哈哈大笑。
The children laughed with glee at the clown's antics.
- 最初她只是微笑,後来才放声大笑。
First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh.
- 她突然大笑起来。
She exploded into loud laughter.
- 他们不只谈话,而且喊叫大笑。
They not only talked but also shouted and laughed.
- 他那有趣的表演引起了观众的哄堂大笑。
His amusing performance caused a roar of laughter in the audience.
- 他的妙语引起一阵哄堂大笑。
His witty remark caused a storm of laughter.
- 他突然大笑起来,吓了我一跳。
He gave me a fright by bursting into a sudden laughter.
- 她那滑稽的服装引得客人哄堂大笑。
Her funny costumecaused much mirth among the guests.