- 以上各点均包括在建议中。
The foregoing have all been included in the proposals.
- 参赛者中包括三名世界记录保持者。
The field includes three world record holders.
- 这工作的附加福利包括一辆小汽车和免费健康保险。
The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
- 这个地区传统的早饭包括火腿和鸡蛋。
The traditional breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.
- 运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之间的运输费用。
Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.
- 一套餐具包括刀,叉,匙等。
A cutlery set includes knives, forks, spoons etc.
- 奖学金包括八十美元的书籍费津贴。
The scholarship includes an allowance of 80 dollars for books.