- 他就是这麽迟钝. Such bluntness is characteristic of him.
- 他就是这麽迟钝。 Such bluntness is characteristic of him.
- 我们发现他就是这工作的合适人选。 We found him a suitable man for the job.
- 没法子, 他天生就是这麽一种人. I'm afraid that's just the way he is.
- 他就是这种货色,会不顾廉耻去从孩子手中骗取几个零钱。 He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle children out of a few pence.
- 电视的影响力就是这麽大,可以让人转眼成名 Such is the influence of TV that it can make a person famous overnight.
- 他就是那位掌握了所有事实的证人。 He is the witness who was well primed with facts.
- 他为什麽非得用这麽艰深的语言说话呢? Why does he have to wrap it all up in such complicated language?
- 在工业界里,一个人若是不能胜任他的工作,解雇他就是了。 In industry, if a man was not doing his job adequately, you fired him.
- 用耶稣基督的话说,爱就是这条辉煌的诫命:要彼此相爱。 Love, in the words of the Master, is the shining commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
- 我恨死了冷笑话,不过我又很爱他这麽做。 Gee, I hate sick joke, but I love my beloved do this.
- 你能确定他就是你昨天见到的那个人吗? Are you positive he's the man you saw yesterday?
- 我兄弟考虑的就是这辆车。 It was this car that my brother had in mind.
- 对霍姆斯而言,社会就是波士顿,他就是这个城市里的桂冠诗人。 For Holms, society was Boston, the city of which he was poet-laureate.
- 他邀请我们吃晚饭,他这麽做真是太客气了。 He invited us to dinner, which is very kind of him.
- 南极圈就是这一明亮地带的边界。 The Antarctic Circle is the boundary of this region of lightness.
- 他就是那种人,会把的苍蝇的翅膀拉下来逗人玩。 He's the sort of person who would pull the wings off a fly just for kicks.
- 这就是这两个强盗的历史。 This episode reflects the history of the two brigands.
- 他说他决不会做这种事,因为这麽做会很丢脸 He said that he will never do it, because to do so will be to lose face
- 他就是这样一个谜般的人物,当你需要他时,你永远不知道他在何处。 He is such an elusive person; you never know where he is when you want him.