- 他对长孙的锺爱. his fondness for his eldest grandchild
- 到了突厥国,国王摄图对长孙晟非常敬重,留他在突厥住了一年,还经常让他陪着自己,一块儿去打猎。 The king of the Turks She Tu liked him very much and often invited Zhangsun Sheng to go hunting with him.
- 当然我会和她交换意见的,看看他对这件事有什么想法。 Of course I'll talk with her and see what she thinks of the matter.
- 到了突厥国,国王摄图对长孙晟非常敬重,留他在突厥住了一年,还经常让他陪着自己,一块儿去打猎。 Once She Tu and Zhangsun Sheng were hunting in the field when two flew into their view.
- "他对我们的活动知道的太多了,我来干掉他。" 那个老强盗说。 "He knew too much about our activities, I'll look after him, " The old robber said.
- 从他画廊里展出的样品,可以看出他对绘画很有鉴赏力。 He has an eye for paintings, as the fine specimens in his gallery show.
- 他对父亲的挂虑使他内心惴惴不安。 His anxiety about his father preyed on his mind.
- 这一犯罪行为起因于他对金钱的贪得无厌。 The crime rooted in his greed for money.
- 他对这一带的一草一木都了如指掌。 He knew every nook and cranny of the area.
- 这篇文章表达了他对这一事件的全部看法。 The article embodied all his opinions on the incident.
- 要他对老板百依百顺真使他无法接受。 It sticks in his throat to have to take any order from his boss.
- 他对别人的侮辱给予一个机智的反驳。 He made a witty comeback to the insult.
- 这一经历彻底改变了他对生活的看法。 The experience completely changed his outlook on life.
- 那个牧师是能找到贴切的引语,因为他对《圣经》滚瓜烂熟。 The Vicar can always find an apt quotation because he's got the whole Bible at his command.
- 他对酒吧里的每一女孩提出猥亵的要求,但是没有人理睬他。 He propositioned every girl in the bar, but none were interested.
- 他对上星期五公司高层会议上所作出的决定感到焦虑不安。 He agonized over the decision made last Friday top meeting of the company.
- 他对当农场工人干单调无味的工作已经厌倦,因此入伍当兵了。 Tired of monotonous work as a farm labourer he took the King's shilling.
- 不要因他而发火他只是开开玩笑,他对每个人都是这样的。 Don't let him get your goat. He's just joking. He does it with everybody.
- "准备好,"他对杰基说,还是用的那个听着怪怪的名字。 "Get ready,"he said to Jacky,again using that strange-sounding name.
- 当教师发现学生不遵守考试规则时,他对学生采取了严厉的手段。 The teacher cracked down on the students when he found they had not been obeying the rules in the examination.