- The wealth of nearly every political appointee is scrutinized in South Korea, and opposition politicians routinely call for Mr.Lee to appoint less-wealthy people to high positions. 在韩国,几乎每一位接受政治任命者的家产都会受到人们的严格审查,反对党的政治家也例行要求李明博任命不那么有钱的人担任要职。
- YB Zulhasnan is just a political appointee of the lame duck Prime Minister. 尊贵的祖哈斯南只不过是瘸脚鸭首相的政治傀儡。
- The culprit is not Henry Tang or any other political appointee, though those officials may have been guilty of ineffective supervision of Rowse. 唐英年等政治任命官员有督导不力的过失,但不是罪魁祸首。
- Not only can it investigate corruption, as before;it can also now launch prosecutions on its own, without having to refer cases to the attorney-general, a political appointee. 这不仅可以像以往一样调查腐败,而且可以自行实施起诉,不再需要向检察长或政务人员申请。
- But civil servants and political appointees may not distort the meaning of loyalty. 政党可以轮替,但公务员及政治任命人员的忠贞意识不能扭曲;
- They can haul political appointees like Donald Rumsfeld over the coals in Congressional hearings. 第二:如果撤了后,还输了选举,再找谁做替罪羊?副总统或莱斯小姐?
- Ms Tai said political appointees cared more about short-term results and public relations, than effective long-term management. 政治委任官员只重视短期结果和公关,而忽略长期有效管理。
- They are cherished national champions, often funded and usually controlled by the state, and sometimes crammed with political appointees. 它们是国之娇宠,通常由国家拨款并控制,有时还填塞着些政治任命者。
- Starting before the election, those career workers have conducted exercises alongside departing political appointees to test their responses. 从在选举之前,这些职业工人进行了演习一起离开政治任命,以测试他们的反应。
- Political appointees have borne the brunt of political and public pressures, while senior civil servants can be left to play their role impartially and professionally. 政治任命官员须承担政治及公众压力,而高级公务员则可以不偏不倚和专业地执行职务。
- Political appointees have borne the brunt of political pressure, while senior civil servants can be left to play their role impartially and professionally. 政治任命官员须承担政治压力,而高级公务员则可以不偏不倚和专业地执行职务。
- The case has raised other wide-ranging political concerns, including the loyalty of civil servants and political appointees following a change in ruling administrations. 此案引起的另一层更广泛的政治警觉,则是在政权更替时的公务员或政治性任命人员的忠贞问题。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- And he is the lightning rod for criticism of the Bush administration by scientists who allege that political appointees are stacking science advisory committees to hew a conservative line on issues such as sexual practices and AIDS. 此外,当科学家批评政府官员只会安排科学顾问委员会去处理像是性行为与爱滋病等老问题时,塞乌尼还要充当布希政府的避雷针。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。
- He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场。
- I am a New appointee!Please look after much! 我是一只新的手!请把考虑给我!谢谢你!
- He has a strong political background. 他有强大的政治背景。