- 他为什么到那里去,这对我来说是个谜。
Why he went there is a mystery to me.
- 我总觉得他讨厌我,但我不知道为什么。
I always feel he has a grudge against me, although I don't know why.
- 怎么回事?你为什么哭?
What's the matter? Why are you crying?
- 她为什么总是郁郁不乐的?
Why is she always disconsolate?
- 他为什么缺席呢?
Why was it that he was absent?
- 你到底为什么不跟我说实话?
Why on earth didn't you tell me the truth?
- 我们为什么要怕他呢?
Why is it that we should be afraid of him?
- 他为什么很少提到他的儿童时代呢?
Why is it that he rarely mentions his childhood?