- 接着干吧。 Carry on with your work.
- 加油干吧! More power to your elbow!
- 着, 就这样干吧。 O.K., do it that way.
- 干吧! go ahead!
- 都干吧,活干不完谁也别想走。 No skiving off now,everyone must stay till the job is finished.
- 咱们开始干吧。 Let us get started.
- 让我们马上干吧。 Let us do it at once.
- 咱们干吧! Let's get cracking! or Let's get started!
- 让他干吧。 Let him do it .
- 给我点活儿干吧。 Give me something to do.
- 你放手干吧。 Just go ahead boldly with your work.
- 咱们快点干吧,老板说话就来。 Let's hump, the boss will come soon.
- 快干吧,别愣着 Get to work quickly; don't just stand there.
- 干吧,赶快干。 Go ahead and hurry up your cakes.
- 我们接着干吧。 Let's proceed with our work.
- 现在动手干吧,天黑前才能干完。 The boys were hardly settled in the classroom before the monitor started in the classroom before the monitor started in on them for coming late.
- 他病了,让我来干吧。 He is ill now, let me do it instead.
- “干吧”,他厉声向克劳德耳语说“咱们没有整个晚上可以消磨。” "Go ahead," he whispered harshly to Claude. "We ain't got all night."
- “干吧”,他厉声向克劳德耳语说“咱们没有整个晚上可以消磨。” "Go ahead," he whispered harshly to Claude."We ain't got all night."
- 孩子们,动手干吧,在你们的母亲回来前,把这个地方整理好。 Here,you boys,get to work and make the place ship shape before your mother gets back.