- 她被控受贿. She was accused of taking bribes.
- 她被控受贿。 She was accused of taking bribes.
- 埃尔德森被控受贿,但他拒不接受指控,而且还辞退了巴特菲尔德。 Accused of bribery, Elderson denied the charge and dismissed Butterfield.
- 她被控以共谋罪,罪名成立。 She was convicted on an indictment for conspiracy.
- 她被致富的欲望所支配。 She was possessed by the desire to be rich.
- 被控犯有诈骗罪 be under indictment for fraud
- 聚会结束后她被留下来打扫。 She was left to sweep up after the party.
- 他被控为同谋。 He was accused as accomplice.
- 她被电话铃声惊醒。 She was jarred awake by the ringing telephone.
- 他被控犯有叛国罪。 He has been impeached of high treason.
- 她姑妈说她被魔鬼迷住了。 Her aunt said she was possessed by devils.
- 她被击昏倒在地上。 She was stunned and sank to the ground.
- 她被嘘下台去。 She was hissed off the stage.
- 她被指控隐匿凶手。 She was accused of sheltering a murderer.
- 她被吓得不知所措。 She was scared out of her wits.
- 她尽力为她丈夫被控抢劫申冤。 She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.
- 她被委任为她教会的第一位女牧师。 She was ordained the first woman priest of her church.
- 她被登入选举人名册。 She was enrolled in a register of electors.
- 她因被控贪污正等候审判。 She is awaiting trial on corruption charges.
- 她被他的口才所倾倒。 She was charmed by his eloquence.