- 王宫发言人刚宣布了一项声明。
The palace (ie A spokesman for the king, queen, etc) has just issued a statement.
- 该文件据称是一项正式声明。
The document purports to be an official statement.
- 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
He made a statement before the House of Commons.
- 这样的声明没有什么用。
Such a statement will not avail.
- 这种声明具有政治性质。
The statements were of political character.
- 该项声明大意是说该商行已经破产。
The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.
- 这个声明和那个相反。
This statement is converse to that one.
- 不久以后,他第一次就这一事件发表了公开声明。
Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair.