- 前途似乎有点不妙。
The future does not seem very hopeful.
- 在他们讨论我的前途时,我恨不得能偷偷旁观。
I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.
- 他因疏忽大意而断送了前途。
He ruined his prospects by carelessness.
- 要是我们继续亏本的话,这家公司的前途会非常黯淡。
The future of this firm will be very bleak indeed if we keep losing money.
- 我为前途而忧虑。
I'm uneasy in my mind about the future.
- 她提出那个问题是因为她对前途十分忧虑。
Her question was prompted by worries about her future.
- 你在这里的前途是光辉灿烂的。
Your future here is golden.