- The average diameter and the zeta potential of LPD were 143. 5 nm and 32. 6 mV, respectively. LPD的形态近似于球体;平均粒径为143.;5 nm;平均zeta电位为+32
- The average particle size and zeta potential of polyplexes were 173.4nm and 23.2mV,respectively. 复合物平均粒径为173.;6nm;平均电位为23
- Higher zeta potential occurs in the suspension of milled particles at pH3.5 and lower. 结果使得磨细粉制成的水基悬浊液 ;在酸碱度被调节到pH3.;5或更低时;获得最高的Zeta电位。
- The dispersion mechanism is analysed by testing Zeta potential and the viscosity of the suspensions. 通过测定颗粒表面Zeta电位、悬浮体系粘度,分析了分散剂的作用机理。
- The change of zeta potential of coal water slurry (CWS) before and after ultrasonic irradiation was investigated. 选用大同煤和神木煤制备水煤浆,考察了超声辐照前后水煤浆浆体的动电势变化。
- Bruce B. Weiner, Walther W. Tscharnuter and David Fairhurst,“Zeta Potential: A New Approach”, Brookhaven Instruments Corporation, New York (1993). 陈伟明;“聚苯胺聚电解质错化物性质的研究”;中央大学硕士论文;(1995).
- The zeta potential of core-shell composite particles were still minus, so multiple layers of BFP on the surface of microspheres could be obtained. 真空干燥后的核壳复合粒子在不经任何表面修饰就可进行多层包裹BFP。
- Some findings have been made about the action mechanism of ACMC by measuring the Zeta potential of pentlandite and serpentine. 通过对ACMC 作用前后的蛇纹石和镍黄铁矿表面Zeta电位的测定, 得到一些关于ACMC 作用机理的证据
- In addition to residual turbidity in the supernatant, the zeta potential of the floc formed and the volume of sludge were also monitored. 故后续之研究可考量添加助凝剂于浓缩槽,或将滤床反冲洗水与沉淀污泥分开处理。
- The acidic basic property of hydrated oxides was characterized by the effective static potential Z * /r of the center ions and the drawing of Z * /r -Z (atomic number) has been made. 用中心离子的有效离子势Z?/r来标度氧化物的水合物酸碱性;并绘出了Z?/r- Z(原子序数)图.
- Its comprehensive coverage focuses on slip casting, injection molding, dispersants, slurries, pH effects, stabilization, and zeta potential. 它的主题涉及的范围包括 :技术;材料选择;模子和工厂设计;典型应用;
- The surface charge cannot be directly measured, and thus the surface charge is usually evaluated by the zeta potential that can be measured. 表面电荷不能直接测量出来,所以通常是通过可以测量的界面电位而测量出来的。
- Turbidity, TSS, zeta potential, and dissolved silica were not related to floc size based on Flocculation Index (FI) and data analysis. 从FI?与数据分析得知,浊度、总悬浮固体、界达电位与溶解矽酸与胶羽大小无关。
- The effects of TGA (thioglycollic acid) on the rest potential and zeta potential of sulphide minerals have been studied in this paper. 研究了巯基乙酸(TGA)对硫化矿物电极电位和动电位的影响。
- The relationships of dispersion-aggregation state of particle suspensions and wettability,zeta potential of particles are examined. 研究了亲水性和疏水性两大类型颗粒在水中的分散规律及颗粒分散行为与表面润湿性、表面电位的关系。
- Proximate, ultimate, density, HGI, functional groups, zeta potential, wetting heat, specific surface area and pores were measured. 之后,经过煤岩组分分离,分出了纯度较高的镜煤、亮煤、暗煤、丝炭四种组分。
- Zeta potential decreased from 38.6 mV to 23.7 mV over a pH range of 3.3 to 11.7 in the presence of 0.5 mmol/L CTAB and the average size of ink particles increased by 13 nm. pH对CTAB的作用效果有较大影响;当CTAB浓度为0.;5 mmol/L时;将体系pH从初始值3
- The results showed that the produced CaCO_3 was negatively charged and HEDP had no obvious effect on Zeta potential of CaCO_3 when it was added during precipitation. 结果表明,CaCO3表面带负电; 生成过程中加入的防垢剂,对CaCO3的表面Zeta电位没有明显影响。
- By testing the changes of Zeta potential and the dispersion rate of the system with the addition of surfactant,the dispersion mechanism of dispersants was discussed. 通过测试加入表面活性剂前后颗粒表面Zeta电位、体系分散率变化,探讨了分散剂的作用机理。
- The simple methods are put forward to calculate Fermi level and edge level of sulf ide mineral by means of potential of mineral electrode and zeta potential of mi neral surface. 提出采用矿物浮选常用参数,即矿物静电位和矿物颗粒表面动电位来计算硫化矿物的费米能级和边缘能级的简便方法。