- There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels. 水波流动的方式与光的传播方式有相似之处。
- The key lies in the way light reflects off the beetle's exoskeleton, which consists of 20 to 40 layers. 关键在于由20至40层构成的龟甲虫背壳对光线的反射方式。
- Opals get their milky sheen and rainbow sparkle from the way light is scattered by the tiny crystals that form them. 猫眼石乳白色的光泽和彩虹般的光芒是由于进入其内的光线被组成其的微小晶体所分散成的。
- Dr.Koren says winds that "drain" into the valley focus on this funnel-like opening the way light is focused by an optical lens, creating a large wind tunnel. 克伦博士说,就像光线经过镜片会聚焦一样,风会由漏斗状的开口吸入村庄,而形成一个巨大的风洞。
- Plant need water the way they need sun light. 植物需要水就像它们需要阳光一样。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。
- When gymnastics prince Li Ning on August 8 evening the way lights the Beijing Olympic Games main torch with novel the flying apsaras, people for it exclamation. 当“体操王子”李宁8月8日晚用新奇的“飞天”方式点燃北京奥运会主火炬时,人们为之惊叹。
- He tried in every way to verify this theory. 他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
- The invaders made spoil of all in their way. 侵略者所到之处无不洗劫一空。
- His way of sleeping makes me cringe. 他睡觉的方式令我生厌。
- Passenger ships are a costly way to travel. 坐游轮是昂贵的旅行方法。
- I mentioned this point by way of cautioning you. 我提出了这一点用以警告你。
- It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms. 以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的方式。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- The plane stop over in Lyons on the way to Paris. 这架去巴黎的飞机在里昂中途停留。
- The work must be finished in one way or another. 这件事必须设法做好。
- I may be able to help you in some way. 我也许可以从某个方面去帮助你。
- He shot his way through the police cordon. 他开枪射击突破警察的警戒线。