A warlock can use this invocation to dispel magic. 一个邪术师可以使用这个能力来解除法术。
Happy new year Warlock, this is what you deserve! 新年快乐,术士们,这是你们应得的!
With his pet the Warlock was killing the same Skeletons in half the time. 术士在宠物的协助下打倒同样数目的骷髅兵,只花了原来一半的时间。
Even the wisest shaman learned warlock magics and abandoned the teachings they had once revered. 即使最贤德的萨满也学习了术士的法术,并抛弃了他们曾经信奉的宗教。
The reason you don't see the Warlock anywhere is because he's been turned in to a sheep and is wandering around off camera. 你没看到巫师的原因,是因为他被变成了绵羊,正在镜头以外漫游。