- uranium pentaalkoxide 五烷氧基铀
- Radium and uranium are radioactive elements. 镭和铀是放射性元素。
- Uranium is a lithophile element. 铀是亲石元素。
- Uranium fills interstitial space. 铀充填在颗粒间的空间。
- Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants. 铀用作核电厂的燃料。
- Highly enriched uranium can be produced in China. 中国现今能生产高富集铀。
- Uranium is abundant in some parts of the world. 铀在世界上某些地方的蕴藏量十分丰富。
- New Mexico leads the nation in uranium mining. 在铀的开采方面,新墨西哥居于全国首位。
- Uranium should be housed in safe. 铀必须封存在安全装置内。
- They worked in diamond and uranium mines. 他们在钻石和铀矿场工作过。
- This ore assays high in uranium. 这矿石化验证明含有高成分的铀。
- Coffinite is the uranium mineral. 铀矿物为铀石。
- Uranium Bilgisayar - - Yeni ve 2. el bilgisayar sat谋艧谋.
- U235,U238,and U239 are three isotopes of uranium. 铀235、铀238和铀239是铀的三种同位素。
- A metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation. 一种叫铀的金属会发出一种射线。
- Secular disequilibrium of uranium can lead to erroneous results. 铀的永久不平衡会导致错误的结果。
- All the streams flowing off the granite contain dissolved uranium. 所有源于花岗岩的河流都含有可溶性的铀。
- The parent uranium has been partitioned from its decay products. 铀母体与其衰变产物分离。
- The fuel was enriched with uranium 235 for the nuclear reactor. 核反应堆的燃料被铀235浓缩。
- When the uranium disintegrates, it changes into lead. 当铀蜕变时,它变成了铅。