- The exchanges are not just in trade and investment. 我们双方的交流,并不限于贸易和投资。
- trade and investment dollars 贸易和投资金额
- The Duke is not paid for his trade and investment work. 约克公爵为英国贸易和投资所做的工作没有报酬。
- China is a focal point for trade and investment from Wales. 中国是威尔士贸易和投资的一个焦点。
- HRH The Duke of York speaks at a UK Trade and Investment function in Beijing. 在北京,约克公爵于英国贸易投资总署的典礼上讲话。
- The EU-China summit had a strong focus on trade and investment work. 本次中欧首脑会议重点集中在贸易和投资工作。
- Trade and investment offers a big loophole for Chinese and foreign firms. 对外贸易和投资为中国和外国公司提供了很多机会。
- Japan's trade and investment ties with East Asian nations are bounding ahead faster than those with other parts of the world, yet is has been standoffish, or even hostile, to permitting other Asians to live here. 日本与东亚国家的贸易和投资关系大力推进,速度超过与世界其他地区。但是对于允许其他亚洲人在此间(日本)居留问题则持保留甚至,敌对态度。
- The negotiations have a wide-ranging scope with emphasis on trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation. 谈判涵盖的范畴广泛,重点是贸易和投资的自由化及便利化。
- China's economic growth will offer a massive market for world trade and investment. 中国经济的发展将为世界贸易和投资提供广阔的市常
- I hope that Hong Kong will continue to play an important role in your trade and investment with the Mainland. 我希望香港继续担当重要角色,协助贵国人民在中国内地营商和投资。
- Participated in the ACCCIM Trade and Investment Mission to Mauritius, organized by ACCCIM. 旅游及公共联络组副主任尤金添参与由商联会组团前往毛里求斯考察访问。
- The Customs and Excise Department has been participating in the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) and the Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) since March 1993. 自一九九三年三月起,香港海关一直参与贸易及投资委员会和海关程序小组委员会的事务。
- Sudan wanted to draw attention to the trade and investment side of its relationship with China. 苏丹政府很想吸引北京的注意力,来发展它与北京的外贸和投资关系。
- The Commission for Africa report talks about the importance of freer and fairer trade and investment. 非洲委员会报告指出了更加自由和公平的贸易及投资的重要性。
- HRH The Duke of York with Chairman of Air China Mr Li Jiaxiang at a UK Trade and Investment function in Beijing. 约克公爵在英国贸易投资总署在北京的典礼上与中国国际航空公司的主席李家祥会面。
- And I am talking here about issues such as trade and labour standards, competition policy and investment. 我所指的议题包括贸易及劳工标准,竞争政策和对外投资政策。
- What this means is that Britain has direct experience of the benefits that international trade and investment generate. 这意味着英国直接享受到了国际投资所带来的利益。
- The mission was organised by the British government overseas investment and trade body, UK Trade and Investment. 组织该代表团访华的机构是英国政府负责海外投资和贸易部门英国贸易与投资总署。
- It also fosters positive bilateral trade and investment conditions through its contacts with the Chinese Government. 它还通过积极与中国政府有关方面进行磋商,促进改善双边贸易和投资的环境。