- thermal decomposition test 热解试验
- This type of thermal decomposition is called pyrolysis. 这种类型的热分解反应称做热解。
- Pressure behavior and pressure effect of dilute stabilizing agents in the thermal decomposition of organic peroxides were examined in a mini-closed pressure vessel test(MCPVT). 用小型密闭压力容器试验(MCPVT)跟踪测定了有机过氧化物热分解反应产生的压力行为和有稀释稳定剂存在下的压力效应。
- Formation of combustible and noxious fumes during thermal decomposition. 热分解时会产生可燃有毒的气体。
- The results of thermal decomposition confirmed that it is iridium films by XRD. 热分解沉积薄膜经X射线分析确为铱薄膜。
- Results The thermal decomposition efficiency of trioxane turning into mon... 结论扩散管作为配制甲醛标准气体的发生源是准确可靠的。
- Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) test showed that the thermal decomposition temperature of chlorocyclophosphazene microcapsule steeply rose up as compared with chlorocyclophosphazene. 热重分析表明:微胶囊阻燃剂的热分解温度比环状氯化磷腈大大提高。
- Most textile flame retardants change or interrupt the normal thermal decomposition process of the polymer. 多数的纺织用阻燃剂改变或干涉聚合物(织物)正常的热分解过程。
- During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. 发生着火时,通过热分解或燃烧可能会产生刺激性的和剧毒的气体。
- For example, compounds containing phosphorus are converted to acidic materials which catalyze the thermal decomposition of the polymer. 例如,含有磷的化合物可以转变成酸性物质,它会催化聚合物的热分解。
- The adsorption capacity reduced to 10.37mg/g when they were regenerated by thermal decomposition method. 吸附饱和后的CLDH焙烧再生;循环使用5次后饱和吸附量为10.;37mg/g。
- Mixed metal oxide( MMO) coated titanium anode was prepared by thermal decomposition process. 采用热分解方法制备了混合金属氧化物(mo)层钛阳极。
- The thermal decomposition behavior of TNT was investigated in pure N 2 with constant rate controlled heating. 用TG?FTIR技术研究了2,4,6?三硝基甲苯(TNT)在高纯氮气和等速升温(10℃/min)条件下的缓慢热分解行为,测定了分解气体产物的组成。
- The thermal decomposition of the modified AN and ANFO explosives have been studied by isothermal and DSC method. 采用恒温热分解和示差扫描量热法 ,研究了改性硝酸铵及铵油炸药的热分解行为。
- The SM process can improve the catalytic activity of NMS Fe2O3 particles on the thermal decomposition of AP. 表面改性处理能提高纳米Fe_2O_3粒子对AP热分解的催化性能。
- The thermal decomposition mechanism of ammonium nitrate and its admixture is reviewed. 对硝酸铵及其混合物的热分解机理进行了总结。
- The heat stability,thermal decomposition behavior and the effect of light aging on performance of HPVC were studied. 主要研究了高聚合度聚氯乙烯(HPVC)的热稳定性和热分解过程以及光老化对HPVC性能的影响。
- The kinetics of thermal decomposition of Ag 2HgI 4 is studied by both isothermal and nonisothermal TG methods. 分别用等温热重法和程序升温热重法研究了碘汞酸银热分解动力学,得到了反应级数、速率常数和活化能。
- A new method for preparing nanometer-sized neodymium oxide through thermal decomposition was introduced. 介绍以加入添加剂的氢氧化钕为前驱物,通过热分解法制备纳米氧化钕粉体的方法。
- Effect of different solvents on thermal decomposition of RDX was studied by using special Bourdon manometer. 用布氏压力计研究不同溶剂对溶液中RDX热分解的影响。