- Excuse me if I'm talking out of turn, but I feel I must tell you the effect your behaviour is having on your father. 要是我的话有得罪之处,那就请原谅了,不过我觉得我必须告诉你你的行为对你父亲的影响。
- But if you are known to talk out of turn and share falsehoods people think of you as a big mouth annoying spammer. 但是如果你总是说些不着调的言论,并且和大家分享的都是些错误的东西的话,大家会认为你是个散布垃圾的大嘴巴。
- But if you are known to talk out of turn and share falsehoods people think of tou as a big mouth annoying spammer. 但是如果你总是说些不着调的言论,并且和大家分享的都是些错误的东西的话,大家会认为你是个散布垃圾的大嘴巴。
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。
- Excuse me if I'm talking out of turn,but I feel I must tell you the effect your behaviour is having on your father. 要是我的话有得罪之处,那就请原谅了,不过我觉得我必须告诉你你的行为对你父亲的影响。
- Excuse me for speaking out of turn. 对不起,我说得语无伦次。
- Dick loses friends by speaking out of turn. 狄克说话轻率,因而失去了一些朋友。
- Speak out of turn, and an informer reports you. 你稍微不慎说了一点不适宜的话,会有人打小报告。
- We were talking a little out of turn. 我们谈得有点轻率。
- She offended many of her colleagues by speaking out of turn. 由于说话轻率,她得罪了不少同事。
- Once he has set his mind on a course of action he is not to be talked out of it. 他一旦决定了他的行动方针,就没有人能说服他改变决定。
- We were told not to enter the exhibition hall out of turn. 要求我们依次进入展览馆。
- His ideas were out of turn with the period in which he lived. 他的思想与他所处的那个时代格格不入。
- You'll get your chance. Just wait and don't speak out of turn. 你会有机会的。等一等,不要抢先发言。
- If they spoke out of turn they would get their heads snapped off. 如果他们讲话轻率冒失,就会受到劈头盖脸的训斥。
- Speaking out of turn, when silence would be more appropriate. 应该保持沉默的时候偏偏爱说话。
- One word out of turn, the two of them would quarrel. 一句话不对路,两个人就要拌嘴。
- to talk out of turn 轻率地说话,说冒昧话
- They all encouraged her to talk out her anxieties. 他们都鼓励她把心中的烦恼说出来。
- If a woman can talk out of the two sides of her mouth at the same time,a great deal will be said on both sides. 假如女人能够同时从嘴巴的两边说话,那么两边都会说上一大堆话吧。