- Midlands rise is our country's strategical decision of region economy development. 中部崛起是我国区域经济发展的战略决策。
- That was Chairman Mao's strategic decision. 这是毛主席的战略决策。
- The most important strategic decision is what markets to focus on. 最重要的战略决策是企业聚集在哪些市场。
- With S. D. Huang) Knowing People and Making Strategical Decisions, China Coal Industry Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1987 (363 pages) (Won a National Book award in China). 知人与决策,黄书德合著,中国煤炭工业出版社,北京,1987,363页(在中国荣获国家书籍奖
- The strategic decision of the State to give priority to education was gradually implemented. 国家优先发展教育的战略决策逐步落实。
- To provide the value-added advise to the teams of DC and ME for its strategic decision making. 向需求创造及市场执行提供具有价值的意见,以便其策略决定。
- This is a strategic decision made by the U.S. government to stimulate the nation's economic growth. 这是迄今为止美国政府在客观上为其未来国家经济导向的一个重要决策。
- The tax burden will impact our EBITDA significantly, and will influence strategic decision on M&A project. 税收的负担将会严重影响我们的EBITDA,也会对我们的M&A的战略性决定带来影响。
- In the period of globalization, the ability of strategic decision displays the core competitiveness of leadership. 在全球化时代,战略决策能力彰显现代领导的核心竞争力。
- When adopting open source, institutions should ensure it is a strategic decision and not just a philosophical one. 采用开源时,各家机构应该确保这是一个战略上的决策,而不只是一个哲学上的决策。
- Mao Zedong's strategic decision was like the strategic thinking of Wang Chuanshan, Zeng Guofan and Ru Linyi. 毛泽东的战略决策表现出与王船山、曾国藩、胡林翼同样的战略思路。
- His wife excels him in strategical ability. 他的妻子在战略上胜过他。
- With the progress of the war situation,the Central Committee of the CCP made the strategic decision to develop northward. 随着形势的发展,中共中央及时作出了“向北发展”的战略决策。
- The protection of intangibles was an important strategic decision that had to be taken within the broader challenges of technological management. 保护无形产品是一个重要的战略决定,必须在应付技术管理提出的更广泛挑战的范围内作出这一决定。
- Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005 allows users to optimize business performance through strategic decision making. 使用Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager 2005,用户可以通过制定战略决策来优化企业绩效。
- Timely executes information investigation and research and macromarketing analysis to provide feasibility report for the company’s strategic decision. 定期提交市场分析及预测研究报告。
- Constructing Fujian province ecologically is a huge strategic decision of Fujian provincial Party committee and provincial government. 建设生态省是福建省委、省政府提出的一项重大战略举措。
- Decades ago, China made a strategic decision to modernize and then opened itself to foreign capital and knowhow to get there. 几十年前,中国作出了进行现代化的战略决策,然后向外国资本和技术开放大门,以便驶向成功彼岸。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- These means and the conclusion of this thesis perhaps are also worthful for other shipyard companies to make strategic decision. 利用这些方法得出的结论对同行业企业竞争战略的制定有着现实的借鉴意义。