- Copper, aluminum, steel corrosion convex word nameplate production. 铜、铝、钢板腐蚀凹凸字铭牌制作。
- Figure 3 EDS spectrum of steel corrosion product covered in aluminosilicate. 图3硅酸铝对金属的腐蚀产物EDS图。
- Copper, aluminum, steel corrosion produced nameplate embossing characters. 铜、铝、钢板腐蚀凹凸字铭牌制作。
- Its comprehensive coverage focuses on key aspects of stainless steel corrosion resistance. 它的广泛报导集中在不锈钢耐腐蚀性的关键因素。
- The basic reason is the steel corrosion which mainly results from chloride ingress. 其中,氯离子又是造成钢筋锈蚀的首要原因。
- The taphole of UHP-EAF should stand severe molten steel corrosion, slag erosion, oxidation and temperature change during operation. 超高功率电弧炉出钢口在使用过程中要经受钢液的冲刷、渣液的侵蚀、氧化和温度的剧烈变化。
- Flexural carrying capacity of the corroded RC beam is proposed by considering change of bond strength between steel and concrete and the compressive steel corrosion. 从理论上对锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的正截面抗弯承载能力进行了研究,根据锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁中钢筋和混凝土的粘结强度的变化以及有无受压钢筋锈蚀影响对锈蚀梁进行了分类,并根据各自的情况、可能出现的破坏模式对承载力进行了分类计算。
- The relationship between the steel corrosion ratio and parameters in the predeterminate model is also discussed in the paper, and some useful results are obtained. 另外,在同一混凝土构件中,箍筋锈蚀程度要比纵筋更为严重,这就要求我们重视混凝土结构的抗剪耐久性的失效问题。
- In addition, it had little influence on the compatibility with superplasticizer, and could reduce the shrinkage rate of mortar, had no dangerous on steel corrosion. 炉渣对水泥的外加剂相容性影响不大,能降低水泥胶砂的干缩率,不会对钢筋锈蚀造成危害;
- The study is mainly aimed at the effect of steel corrosion on bond strength of reinforced concrete.The parameters involoved are w/c and corrosion prevention strategies, etc. 摘要本研究系针对钢筋腐蚀后对握裹力影响之研究,试验变数包括水灰比及防蚀处理等。
- For buildings in the 1959-80 age group,the department commissioned a consultancy study on the steel corrosion and material deterioration of 13083 buildings,with particular emphasis on their cantilevered structures. 至于一九五九至八零年间建成的楼宇,该署则已委聘顾问,就13083幢楼宇的钢筋腐蚀和物料衰坏情况进行研究,特别着眼于楼宇的悬臂式构筑物。
- For buildings in the 1959-80 age group, the department commissioned a consultancy study on the steel corrosion and material deterioration of 13083 buildings, with particular emphasis on their cantilevered structures. 至于一九五九至八零年间建成的楼宇,该署则已委聘顾问,就13083幢楼宇的钢筋腐蚀和物料衰坏情况进行研究,特别着眼于楼宇的悬臂式构筑物。
- The harbor construction exposed to the oceanic environment year-by-year is easily corroded by sea water, impacted by sea waves and to cause steel corrosion, so the concrete deterioration reduced the harbor constructions security and the service life. 摘要港湾工程结构物常年曝露在海洋环境,容易受海水侵蚀、海浪冲击、钢筋诱蚀等影响,造成混凝土恶化,降低港湾工程构造物的安全性与使用年限。
- By comparison to ordinary concrete,the carbonation and steel corrosion of dolomite chip concrete are equal to those of an ordinary one,and its impermeability and freeze|thaw resistance are better. 石屑混凝土的抗渗性和抗冻性明显要好于普通混凝土 ,碳化和钢筋锈蚀性能与普通混凝土相当。
- Only with correct selection of parent metal,welding material and reasonable welding process,can stainless steel corrosion be prevented and postponed,thus guaranteeing normal and orderly salt making. 只有正确的选用母材、焊接材料以及合理的焊接工艺,才能避免和延缓不锈钢的腐蚀,使制盐生产正常有序的进行。
- Toril.k..Carbonation and Steel Corrosion in Concretes Containing Mineral Admixtures Under Different Environments. Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Steel in Concrete. July 1994. 冷发光;冯乃谦;刑峰.;提高普通混凝土强度和耐久性的正交试验研究;混凝土;1999;(9):18-3
- In this research of the 10# steel corrosion behavior, there were mainly three parts of experiment: the electrochemistry corrosion of the 10# steel, subscale corrosion and stress corrosion. 在本次10%23钢腐蚀行为的研究中,主要分为三部分实验内容:10%23钢的电化学腐蚀、垢下腐蚀和应力腐蚀机理的实验研究。
- Here we are in the yard of the steel mill. 这儿就是不锈钢厂的料场。
- On the outskirts they passed a steel mill. 他们在郊区从一家钢铁厂前面经过。
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。