- A standard code of seven bits proposed by ASA. 由美国标准协会列为标准代码的一种七单位代码。
- Standard code identifying countries and regions. 标识国家和地区的标准代码。
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 美国信息交换标准代码。
- ASCII stands for "Amercian Standard Code for Information Exchange. ASCII代表“美国信息交换标准代码”。
- ASCII stands for "American Standard Code for Information Exchange. ASCII代表“美国信息交换标准代码”。
- Security optimization requires you to change the standard code access security. 安全优化要求您更改标准的代码访问安全性。
- ASCII: Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 雅舒码:英文是的字首字缩写。
- A standard code that uses8 bits to represent each of up to 256 alphanumeric characters. 扩充的二进制编码的十进制交换码使用8个二进制数字来代表多达256种中的每一种字母数字特征的标准码。
- Conditional compilation constants have a special scope and cannot be accessed from standard code. 条件编译常数具有特殊的范围并且不能从标准代码访问。
- FIFO LIFO Stacks in VB - This uses standard code for creating first in first out and last in first out stacks, ported to VB. 它使用标准的代码来创建先进先出和后进先出的堆栈,然后移植到VB中。
- ASCII:American Standard Code for Information change; a system used to translate keyboard characters into bits. 美国信息交换标准码:把键盘字符转换成字节的系统。
- A standard code that uses8 bits to represent each of up to256 alphanumeric characters. 扩充的二进制编码的十进制交换码使用8个二进制数字来代表多达256种中的每一种字母数字特征的标准码
- ASCII: American Standard Code for Information change; a system used to translate keyboard characters into bits. 美国信息交换标准码:把键盘字符转换成字节的系统。
- For example,American Standard Code for Information Interchanges(ASCII) originally used 7 bits to form a character. 例如,美国标准信息交换组最初用7比特来表示一个字。
- This uses standard code for creating first in first out and last in first out stacks, ported to VB. 它使用标准的代码来创建先进先出和后进先出的堆栈,然后移植到vb中。
- Sturgis, Alice F. (1988) Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. 3rd ed.New York: McGraw-Hill. 王冠青编译(1955)议学新解,台北:中华文化出版事业委员会。
- In 1941 a standard code for commercial telecasting in the United States was adopted. 1941年,美国采用商业电视的标准规范。
- Biologists can also apply our awareness of organisms that deviate from the standard code to“ disguise” genes for research. 生物学家也可以应用某些出现变种密码子的生物,来遮蔽基因的表现,以从事某些研究。
- To facilitate the use of structured exception handling, Visual Basic provides the ability to separate standard code from exception handling code. 为了便于使用结构化异常处理,Visual Basic提供了将标准代码与异常处理代码分开的能力。
- The standard code for text in which a byte (eight bits) holds the seven ASCII digits that define the character plus one bit for parity. 文本文件的标准代码,即一个字节(8比特)包括定义字符的7位ASCII阿拉伯数字加上1个奇偶校验位。