causing serious harm pain, worry or discomfort
not kind or gentle in treatment
likely to cause failure or show up weakness; difficult
completely plain and without decoration
"severe pain"
"a severe case of flu"
"a terrible cough"
"under wicked fire from the enemy's guns"
"a wicked cough"
"strong winds"
"a hard left to the chin"
"a knockout punch"
"a severe blow"
"a stark interior"
"a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"
"a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien"
"a strict disciplinarian"
"a Spartan upbringing"
"a dangerous operation"
"a grave situation"
"a grave illness"
"grievous bodily harm"
"a serious wound"
"a serious turn of events"
"a severe case of pneumonia"
"a life-threatening disease"
"a severe worldwide depression"
"the house suffered severe damage"
Charles of Burgundy deserved the character of a just though severe prince.
出自: Sir W. Scott
The small twinkling glance..always charmed, coming out of a face so severe in repose.
出自: A. Wilson
Don't be so severe with me.., I'm under an awful strain.
出自: I. Murdoch