- semiconductor drift chamber 半导体偏移腔
- A data acquisition (collection) system, which is used to test the small cell MDC (Main Drift Chamber) prototype of BES3, is introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了一种用于北京谱仪3(BES3)小单元漂移室模型实验的数据获取(采集)系统。
- In order to compose the test systems for drift chamber readout used to high energy physics exeper iments, a CAMAC controller has been designed. 为了组成高能物理实验中所使用的漂移室读出系统的测试系统,研制了一种CAMAC控制器,作为TRS-80微计算机与CAMAC机箱的接口。
- The performance of a small-cell drift chamber operated with two helium-based gas mixtures, He/C_3H_8(60/40) and ~He/CH_4(60/40), was studied using cosmic rays, respectively. 利用宇宙线分别研究了一个小单元漂移室在He/C3H8(60/40)和He/CH4(60/40)两种氦基混合气下的性能.
- The structure of the BES main drift chamber and arrangement of cosmic ray tests have been described briefly. The main test results of the chamber performance have been given. 简要描述了北京谱仪(BES)主漂移室的结构和宇宙线实验安排;给出利用宇宙线测试主漂移室性能的主要结果.
- The Beijing Electron Position Collider (BEPC) and the Beijing Spectrometer (BES) are upgrading now. The drift chamber is a very important detector in BES. 北京正负电子对撞机(BEPC)和北京谱仪(BES)正在升级改造中,漂移室(DC)是北京谱仪上最重要的子探测器之一。
- This paper describes the principle and performances of logic control and fan-out circuits for BES drift chamber read-out electronics. Two operating ways of system calibration and data acquisition have been presented. 本文阐述了北京谱仪(BES)漂移室读出电子学逻辑控制和扇出电路的原理及技术性能,介绍了逻辑控制电路的系统校准和数据获取的两种工作方式。
- The spatial resolution, dE/dx resolution and cell efficiency of two prototypes of small-cell drift chamber filled with He/C 3H 8(60/40) with cell sizes of 14.0mm and 16.4mm were measured using cosmic rays respectively. 利用宇宙线分别测量了两个单元尺寸为14mm和16.;4mm充He/C3H8(60/40)气体的小单元漂移室模型的性能;包括空间分辨;dE/dx分辨和单元效率。
- The main drift chamber of the Beijing Spectrometer (BES) has been described briefly, including its physical design, mechanical design and construction, choice of the working gas as well as prototyping. 简要描述了北京谱仪(BES)主漂移室的物理设计、机械设计与建造、工作气体选择、模型实验等方面.
- Simulation of Noise Effect on the Performance of Drift Chamber 噪声对漂移室性能影响的模拟研究
- BES New Main Drift Chamber Prototype Experimentation BES新建主漂移室模型实验
- The members left the council chamber. 议员们离开了会议厅。
- I didn't get the drift of his argument. 我没有听懂他论点的要领。
- Both of them are nuts about chamber music. 他们两人都喜欢室内音乐。
- I can't quite catch the drift of his speech. 我不甚了解他的演讲的大意。
- There is a drift of farmers to the cities. 农民流向城市。
- An operation chamber should be completely sterile. 手术室应该完全无菌。
- A two-terminal semiconductor device used chiefly as a rectifier. 半导体二极管主要作为整流器使用的一个有两端的半导体设备
- I don't like opera; chamber music is more my style. 我不爱看歌剧,喜欢听室内乐。