- Biblical exegesis was a phase of the rational approach to religion that was popular in the Age of Reason. 圣经的注释是对宗教作理性探讨的一个方面,这种探讨在理性时代是很流行的。
- But this study gives us hope that in the future, we will have a rational approach for stimulating regeneration. 但本次研究给我们在将来开发出可行的刺激(神经细胞)再生的技术带来了希望。”
- ACCP system is an effective and rational approach to the assurance of food safety. In this paper the application of HACCP was introduced. 系统介绍了危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP)在食品生产体系中的应用。
- Udell,J.G.Compensating Outside Directors:A Rational Approach[J],Compensation and Benefits Review.Vol.20,Nov/Dec (1988),10-21. 王建春、张卫东:"沪市上市公司独立董事制度现状分析";上海证券交易所研究中心;2003年12月.
- Cap of foundation was analyzed through finite element method with a rational approach to formulate Reissner-Mindlin quadrilateral element. 筏板分析采用有限单元方法,以厚薄板通用四边形等参单元进行分析。
- The Delegation indicated that many issues of substance were included in those papers and it continued to be of the opinion that they contained a very clear and rational approach. 代表团指出这些文件包含了许多实质性的问题,而且它始终认为他们包含了明确而且合理的办法。
- It added that the most rational approach to that issue would be not in creating new bodies, but rather focusing efforts on rejuvenating already existing structures. 它还进一步表示,解决这一问题的最合理的办法并不是创设新机构,而是把努力的重点放在让已经存在的机构恢复活力上。
- In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary. 反对理性的方法去接近和理解神,就像经院采纳的。本笃鼓吹一种直接的信仰,调解人是圣母玛利亚。
- One of my key objectives as a filmmaker is to renounce the piousness and equivocation of cinema in order to find a natural and rational approach to documentary and life. 本人试图抛弃电影的神圣和假设,为求达到记录与生活的自然合理。
- If you start the study of a new method with this kind of elementary mix-up, real or apparent, you are not likely to obtain a rational approach to software construction. 如果您用这种真正的或貌似的概念混合在一起来开始一个新方法的研究,那么您不可能得到一种软件构造的合理方法。
- Furthermore,if they like the sound of a method and try it,they may get stuck with it,believe it gives them some success,and so not try another more rational approach that might have been easier and given quicker results. 况且,如果他们觉得某种学习方法听来顺耳井试着去做,可能会陷进去,相信定能学有所得,因而不愿再尝试其他本来更简单有效的更合理的方法。
- In summary evidence-based medicine reflects a rational approach to medical practice which judiciously uses the best available research evidence together with appropriate experience and expertise. 总结起来,循证医学所反映的是医疗实践中的一种理性道路,即将可以获得的最佳研究证据、适宜的个人经验以及专业知识加以完美结合的方式。
- The examiners put a premium on rational argument. 评委们对以理服人的论据给以高度评价。
- Rationality, as a means for knowledge.I'm largely sympathetic to the philosophy of Objectivism, and have done quite a bit of work on developing a rational approach to (personal &social) ethics. 理性,作为知识的工具,非常倾向于客观主义哲学,做了大量工作希望发展出一种达到伦理学的理性方法,(斯宾诺莎的伦理学?)
- The quality or condition of being rational. 合理性合乎理性的性质或状态
- No rational person would go to work in his pyjamas. 任何神智正常的人都不会穿着睡衣去上班。
- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。
- Do you know who defined man as a rational animal? 你知道是谁将人说成是有理智的动物的?
- Heavy footsteps signalled the teacher's approach. 沉重的脚步声显示教师已经走近了。
- The semi drunk man regarded them with fishy eyes. 那个半醉汉迷迷糊糊地看着他们。