- Most researches of reticulated shell focuses on static stability behaviors, but not on seismic behaviors. 目前网壳结构的研究主要集中在静力稳定性能,对其抗震性能研究进行的较少。
- Plate-cone reticulated shell is a new type of space structures with good mechanical behavior and economy. 板锥网壳结构是一种受力性能合理、技术经济效益良好的新型空间结构形式。
- An exaxnple of a single layer reticulated shell was provided, which verified the correctness of the present model. 通过对一单层网壳结构的算例分析,证明了该分析模型的正确性。
- Abstract In this paper, a computing model of a Schwedler spherical reticulated shell (SSRS) is constructed. 摘要以某施威德勒型单层球面网壳采光顶为例,建立了其计算模型。
- The nonlinear buckling analysis of a large complex roof reticulated shell is made and a real-time assessment of structural stability is presented. 进行了大型屋顶网壳结构的非线性屈曲分析,提出了支撑钢牛腿失效后网壳结构稳定性的实时评估策略。
- Large-span arch-supported reticulated shell structure is a new hybrid structural system based on features of reticulated shell and arch structure. 大跨拱支网壳结构是在综合了网壳(网架)及拱结构优点的基础之上,构思出来的一种新型杂交空间结构形式。
- The nonlinear buckling analysis of a large complex roof reticulated shell is made and a real time assessment of structural stability is presented. 进行了大型屋顶网壳结构的非线性屈曲分析,提出了支撑钢牛腿失效后网壳结构稳定性的实时评估策略。
- Reticulated steel shell of Beijing Olympic Bicycle Stadium is at present the largest span double-layer spherical reticulated shell in China. 北京奥运会自行车馆钢网壳是目前我国最大跨度的双层球面网壳结构。
- In this paper, the nonlinear FEM is used to analyze the general stability of torsional shell and torsional reticulated shell with original imperfections. 本文应用非线性有限元法,对考虑初始缺陷的扭壳、扭网壳进行整体稳定分析,获得了临界状态时的失稳模态和临界荷载。
- Being a new type of suspen-dome structure,double ellipse suspen-dome integrates the advantages of both single layer reticulated shell structure and cable-dome structure. 双椭形弦支穹顶是弦支穹顶结构的一种新型结构形式,它综合了单层网壳结构和索穹顶结构的优点。
- In the analysis of wind vibration,multi-modes and corre-modes need to be considered for the reticulated shell(RS)structures due to the closely spaced natural frequencies. 网壳结构具有模态分布密集的特点,在风振计算中,通常需要考虑多个模态的贡献,甚至需要考虑模态互相关的影响。
- This paper deduces a stiffness matrix of cable member,which is better suitable for analysis of prestressed reticulated shell in use than the former stiffness matrix of cable element. 推导了预应力网壳结构在正常使用阶段的预应力索单元的特性矩阵。比较分析表明,与以前使用的索元公式相比,新导算式更适合于预应力网壳结构的分析。
- On the basis of review of development of grid structure and actuality and development of analysis of nonlinearity, nonlinearity of the double-layer reticulated shell structure is studied. 本文在回顾网格结构发展和网壳结构非线性分析的现状与发展的基础上,进行了双层球面网壳结构的非线性研究。
- Wind load is always the major or even the decisive load applied to long-span spatial structures, so much more attention is paid to dynamic response of reticulated shell structures under wind load. 摘要风荷载在大跨度屋盖结构设计中常常起主要甚至决定性作用,这使得该类结构的风荷载及风致动力响应研究日益受到关注与重视。
- The spatial reticulated shells are dynamic-sensitive structures because of large span and spatial multiformity. 空间网壳跨度大、空间造型多样,往往属动力敏感性结构。
- Based on the results of structural calculation, the main problem is gained for the long-span reticulated shells. 根据结构验算结果,得出该大跨度网壳结构目前主要存在的问题。
- The compound mode of double layer and single layer in the partial double layer cylindrical reticulated shells is discussed. 本文探讨了局部双层柱面网壳的合理结构形式,对其非线性受力性能进行了详细的研究。
- The APDL program was worked out to execute the improved genetic process and two typical spatial reticulated shells were taken as examples. 使用APDL语言编制遗传算法程序,使其不仅适于计算大跨空间结构的减振设计计算,并且提高了计算效率和精度。
- With the wide application of reticulated shells in engineering, the mechanical properties of the structures were more and more paid attention to. 随着网壳结构的广泛应用,其力学性能的研究日益受到重视。
- With the wide application of reticulated shells inengineering, the mechanical properties of the structures are more and more paidattention to. 随着网壳结构的广泛应用,其力学性能的研究日益受到重视。