- The air by the sea is pure and healthy. 海边的空气清新又有益健康。
- The reason for the change is lack of money, pure and simple. 进行更改的原因就是缺少经费。
- This is slander, pure and simple. 这纯系毁谤。
- Hope you not confused by this open and turbid route. 望读者不为本文混乱之开放思路迷惑。
- I am breathing pure and fresh air. 我呼吸纯净、新鲜的空气。
- Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures. 纯粹排他的竞争会导致一事无成。
- The air was pure and fresh in the mountains. 山上的空气清新而纯净。
- To the rest of us,it was a joke,pure and simple. 对我们其余的人来说,这完全是一个笑话。
- I admit I made a mistake,pure and simple. 我承认我确实犯了一个错误。
- This is pure and simple slander. 这纯系毁谤。
- pure and turbid 清浊
- He is a Spaniard pure and simple. 他是一个纯血统的西班牙人。
- He is a pure and simple Spaniard. 他是一个纯洁朴实的西班牙人。
- Flower: life of plant is pure and beautifl. 植物的生命是纯美的。
- Pure and true right from the start. 一切就是那么真实,那么单纯。
- Half heaven was pure and stainless. 半个天空,纯洁无瑕。
- Starting at Jade Pure and onto Lu Run earth. 手托玉净瓶,洒露润人间。
- Its mystery is pure and absolute. 它的那种神秘是绝对和永恒的。
- Finally , he got the answer pure and simple . 他终于得到那个纯正而又简单的答案。
- The error was due to carelessness pure and simple. 这个差错完全是由于粗心造成的。