- It was an old spring-wagon, with a round canvas top on it like the cover of a prairie schooner. 那是一辆老式的带弹簧的四轮马车,上面的帆布圆顶子象是拓荒者用的大篷车的顶篷。
- Not far behind the rancher creaked the prairie schooners of the farmers bringing their families,their draft horses,cows,and pigs. 在牧牛人身后不远之外,有许多草原篷车在吱吱作响,农民把他们的妻儿,还有拉车的马,奶牛和猪群也带了来。
- He drank a schooner of beer and became drunken. 他喝了一大酒杯啤酒后醉倒了。
- prairie schooner [ wag(g)on ] 篷盖大马车
- prairie schooner n. 长形布篷马车;草原篷车
- prairie schooner [wag(g)on] 篷盖大马车
- prairie schooner [wag(g)on 篷盖大马车
- The high wind has made the schooner break sheer. 强风将大帆船吹离航道。
- The prairie is topped occasionally by low hills. 偶尔可见大草原上隆起几座低矮的小山。
- A lone tree on the prairie; a lone blue tile in a white floor. 平原上孤立的一棵树; 白地板上唯有的一块蓝瓷砖
- The prairie is in the central North America. 大草原在北美洲中部。
- A fourmasted schooner hove, in sight. 一艘四桅的纵队帆船已驶入视野内。
- A schooner is a boat with at least two masts. 一个纵帆船有2个以上的桅杆。
- A boundless prairie is before us. 眼前是一望无垠的草原。
- The Greek schooner ran aground off Spain. 希腊纵帆船在西班牙搁浅了。
- Andrew traversed the prairie on horseback. 安德鲁骑马穿越大草原。
- The hut stood alone on the prairie. 那间小屋孤零零地直立在大草原上。
- The schooner sailed coastward. We followed a coastward route. 纵帆船向海岸航行。我们遵循向海岸的航线
- A single sparkcan start a prairie fire. 星星之火, 可以燎原。
- Which are the Prairie Provinces? 草原地区有那些省份?