- Under relatively weak conditions, we proved that this modified method converges globally with nonmonotone line search. 在较弱的条件下,证明了此类非单调修正HS算法具有全局收敛性。
- In this paper, the two-point stepsize gradient method which together with one new nonmonotone line search technique is proposed. 摘要给出一个两点步长梯度方法,其将与一个新的非单调线搜索技术相结合。
- The nonmonotone line search algorithm for nonsmooth optimization given by Pang is extended to this case, and we prove that the algorithm is globally convergent. 五,研究了非光滑极大极小无约束最优化问题,给出了一个线性搜索算法,并证明其整体收敛性。
- The LS conjugate gradient method was changed in this paper, in which the technique of nonmonotone line search is used.Under mild assumption, the global convergence of the method was proved. 对LS共轭梯度法做了某些变型,在非单调线搜索下,该方法保证每次迭带都会产生下降的方向,在较弱的条件下得到算法全局收敛性。
- nonmonotone line search technique 非单调线搜索
- A Nonmonotone Line Search Algorithm for Nonsmooth Discrete Minimax Problem 关于一类非光滑极大极小问题的非单调线性搜索算法
- A Nonmonotone Line Search Technique for Nonsmooth Unary Optimization 非光滑单值优化的非单调线搜索方法
- A Feasible Algorithm for Inequality Constrained Optimizations by Means of Nonmonotone Line Search 不等式约束最优化的一个使用非单调搜索的可行算法
- L. Grippo, F. Lemporriello and S. Lucidi, A nonmonotone line search technique for new ton's。method;SIAM J. Numer. Anal, 23: 4(1986), 707-716。 周方俊等,一类新的非单调曲线搜索算法,运筹与决策;1(1992),340-345(成都科大出版社)
- nonmonotone line search 非单调线搜索
- nonmonoton line search 非单调线性搜索
- To allow the negative curvature direction and avoid the Maratos effect, we add second correction step to trust region trial step and employ nonmonotone technique in line search. 为允许负曲率方向及克服Maratos效应,我们在信赖域试探步中加入二阶校正步,线搜索时采用非单调技术。
- nonmonotonic line search 非单调线搜索
- In chapter 3, we will mainly consider the Fletcher-Reeves algorithm under the new line search. 在第三章中我们将主要考虑新线搜索下的FR算法。
- Zhou J. L. and Tits A.L, Nonmotone line search for minimax problems, JOTA 76:3 (1993), 455-476. 周方俊等,一类新的非单调曲线搜索算法,运筹与决策;1(1992),340-345(成都科大出版社)
- However, the PRP method even with the exact line search is not globally convergent on nonconvex functions. 然而,对一般非凸函数,PRP方法即使采用精确线搜索也不能保证全局收敛。
- The convergence properties of NCG methods with three inexact line searche. 讨论在三种非精确线搜索下,NCG法的收敛性质。
- In this chapter, under suitable conditions we prove that the modified DFP method is globally convergent with weak Wolfe-Powell line search . 本章在适当的条件下,证明上述修正DFP方法在弱Wolfe-Powell线搜索下是全局收敛的。
- The method not only avoids resolving the subproblem repeatedly but also reduces the numbers of computing function values in the line search algorithm. 既避免了重复求解信赖域子问题,又减少了线搜索方法计算函数值的次数。
- A descent algorithm for solving unconstrained optimization is discussed. Global convergence result is established with inexact line search. 摘要研究了求解无约束优化问题的一种共轭下降算法,并在非精确线搜索条件下证明了该算法的全局收敛性。