- must operate value [电] 必作值
- We must operate within the context of the Olympian Spirit. 我们必须按照奥林匹克精神办事。
- The navies must 'operate in accordance with international law,' added Adm. 罗海德说,两国海军的行动必须遵照国际法。
- Is sebaceous glands cyst must operation excision? 皮脂腺囊肿是不是一定要手术切除?
- Did retinal cyst grow in brain must operation? 脑子里长了网膜囊肿一定要手术吗?
- Our financial policies and institutions must operate in a prudent manner to maintain public confidence. 我们必须审慎推行金融政策和制度,才可维持市民的信心。
- To be a successful market player, we must operate within a far higher standard of professional ethics. 要成为成功的市场竞争者,我们必须恪守极高的专业道德标准。
- Television systems, which transmit 30 picture frames per second, must operate on a broad electromagnetic spectrum. 每秒传输30幅图象画面的电视系统,它必须工作于宽带电磁波谱。
- Second, the two-sided kidney stone, nearby two must operate, the baby withstands with difficulty. 二是双侧肾结石,两边都要开刀,婴儿难以承受。
- Palace neck debaucjed and palace neck cyst must operation? 宫颈糜烂和宫颈囊肿一定要手术吗?
- When opening the cable vault door, must operate according to 6.2.5, if exiting closedown. 开电缆室门时,如有闭锁存在,则按6.;2
- Color is easy to have the relations with the market.The market operation value and the exploitability is very big. 色彩最容易与市场发生关系,市场运作价值和可开发性很大。
- But they must operate in the deep freeze of a Minnesota winter and the oven of a car dashboard in an Arizona summer. 但是不论在严寒的冰天雪地里,或是在夏季沙漠的炽烈太阳下,它都必须要能正常运作。
- Thus causes this article to continue pauses in the theoretical level, moreover has the certain actual operation value. 从而使本文不止停留在理论水平,而且具有一定实际操作价值。
- Increase the value to rated for the unreached, and then decrease steadily to operating value. 对于欠量动作的继电器应将继电器升到额定值,然后平稳下降至动作值。
- Television systems, which transmit 30 picture frames per second, must operate on a broad electromagnetic spectrum . 每秒传输30幅图象画面的电视系统,它必须工作于宽带电磁波谱。
- The electrical characteristics of railway safety relay are mainly involved with operating value, releasing value, reversing value and so on. 铁路安全继电器需要测试的主要电气参数包括:工作值、释放值、反向工作值等。
- For systems that must operate continuously, the ability to perform such actions without shutting down the database is critical. 对于必须持续运行的系统,无需关闭数据库就能执行某些特殊操作的功能十分必要。
- First, the child is too small, the risk is big; Second, the two-sided kidney stone, nearby two must operate, the baby withstands with difficulty. 一是孩子太小,风险大;二是双侧肾结石,两边都要开刀,婴儿难以承受。
- Embedding the ECG information management system to virtual ECG instrument is not only enhanced the operating value but also increased the functions to virtual ECG instrument. 心电信息管理系统与虚拟式心电图仪结合,使其成为该仪器的一个组成部分,不仅提高了它的使用价值,也增强了仪器的功能。