- mull buro n. 轮碾式移动混砂机
- I nearly made a mull of the business. 我几乎把生意弄得一团糟。
- Buro Happold Consulting Engineers P.C. 咨询顾问:Garcia Jarque Ingenieros;SC.
- Er musste eigentlich im Buro sein. 他应该在办公室里。
- NL]Buro Cees Boeren & Vennoten V.O.F. 人均页读数:Page Views per user for [BUROCEESBOEREN.
- Internationales Buro fur Gebirgsmechanik. 岩石力学辞典 1972.
- I would mull quickly over my options. 我拼命地想。
- He tried to mull things over in his mind. 他试图在他的脑海中思索事情。
- Come talk to me later after I mull this over. 等我先把这件事弄清楚再来找我谈。
- We need the quotation to mull it over. 翻译句子:我们需要报价单好进一步考量。
- Now we shall be able to mull some ale! 现在我们可以用它来调热甜酒了!
- I need a few days to mull it over. 给我几天让我想想。
- Richard Bilton, BBC News, on the Isle of Mull. 英国广播公司新闻,RichardBilton,穆尔岛报道。
- Germany's deutsche Buro withdraw it's own offer of Euronext in November. 德国的德意志证交所于11月份撤回了它对泛欧的一项提议。
- I need some time to mull it over before making a decision. 在做出决定之前我需要一些时间来认真琢磨一下。
- He's asked for a bit more time to mull over my proposal. 他要求给他点时间来考虑我的提议。
- I sat.there and tried to mull things over in my mind. 我坐在那儿,尽量把事情仔细考虑一下。
- In short, in addition to mull over the money not paid. 总之,想来想去除了赚没的赔。
- This is the optimum angle to tumble and mull the sand. 这是最佳角度倒下来的沙子和仔细考虑。
- An impartial commission could be appointed to mull them over. 可以指派一个公正的委员会,反复思量这些问题。