- Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation. 躁狂抑郁症患者抑郁与躁狂交替发作。
- This disorder is marked by periods of extremes in mood and behavior.It was formerly called manic depression. 这种机能失调以前被称为“躁狂抑郁症”,以周期性的极端情绪和行为为特点。
- Schizophrenia and manic depression are major psychotic illnesses that affected roughly one person in 50. 精神分裂症和狂燥抑郁症是目前最主要的精神疾病,每50人当中就会有一名精神病患者。
- This disorder is marked by periods of extrems extremes in mood and behavior.It was formerly called manic depression. 这种紊乱以周期性的极端情绪和行为为特点,以前被称为“躁狂抑郁症”。
- The court in Hubei province's Badong County based the latter factor on her manic depression, the reports said. 设在湖北省巴东县的法庭基于其躁郁症而做出了最后一项认定。报道如是说。
- Some researcITs suggest the mental state may share not neurochemical characteristics with the manic phavee of manic depression. 一部份研究员提到,这一心里状态估计和狂躁状态的躁郁症有相同的神经化学特征。
- Bipolar Disorder , aka , manic depression is misunderstood and sadly , sufferers from this disease are often ostracized by their family and friends . 燥郁症或忧郁症被人误解,而且可悲的是患者通常被亲友排斥。我们的节目要揭开这种病的神秘,介绍研究方面的进展和新治疗方式。
- Some researchers suggest this mental state might share neurochemical characteristics with the manic phase of manic depression. 研究员提到,这一心理可能和狂躁的躁郁症有的神经化学特征。
- For a pop psychologist like Hitchens all saints are basket cases: hearing voices means schizophrenia, spiritual elation followed by aridity means manic depression. 对于息金斯这样的通俗心理学家来说,所有的圣人都是无可救药的人:听到(上帝的)声音好像得了精神分裂症,狂喜和抑郁的交织又好像得了躁郁症。
- Schizophrenia and manic depression have a similar genetic source linked to flawed development of a key component of the central nervous system, a study published in the journal Lancet suggests. 一份定期杂志发表文章称,最新研究发现,精神分裂,狂燥抑郁症有着同样的基因来源。这种基因是中央神经系统主要的构成部分,如果畸形发展的话,就会导致人出现精神分裂,或者是狂燥抑郁症。
- Then I get manic depressed, see the orthodontist, get gas masks, kick ass. 然后我得了狂躁病,看那个牙齿矫正医生,赶快找个氧气面具,真强!(不好表达凑活下)
- The following prepared formulae are suitable for qi deficient, blood deficient, or qi and blood both deficient or heart or spleen both injured and resulting dementia or manic depression. 此类成药适用于气虚,血虚,或气血两虚,或心脾俱损伤之痴呆和躁郁症。
- The 5-HIAA concentrations of headache type epilepsy, manic depressive psychosis were reduced significantly (P<0.001). 头痛型癫痫和躁郁症有5-HIAA减少;(P<0.;001)。
- This has often led to speculation on whether I were manic depressive in nature too. 所以很多人也常常怀疑我是否也是一个性格忧郁的家伙。
- James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus definitely have radical leanings, and they both registered a high score on the manic depressive scale. 亚勒腓的儿子雅各和达太,都是激进份子,有明显的躁郁症倾向;
- Her husband, Paul Wilson, was a manic depressive, who spent most of his life in expensive sanatoriums which Perkins had to pay for. 威尔逊,患有抑郁狂躁症,他的大部分时间都是在昂贵的疗养院里度过的,而他所有的花费都要由贝金斯来担负。
- Practically everyone is a manic depressive of sorts with his up moments and his down moments, and you certainly don't do a humorist to taste the sadness of situation and mood. 实际上我们每个人都有着几分那躁狂有余症患者的味道,有着起高昂的片刻,也有着其低沉的时分,而你也无需乎非得是一名幽默家才能体味到情景或情绪上凄惨成分。
- Me, alone on a dead planet,with a manically depressed robot. 我,一个人在这该死的星球,和一个患抑郁症的机器人?
- This tonic will work miracles for your depression. 这种补药对治疗你的忧郁症十分有效。
- Several banks failed during the depression. 有几家银行在不景气时期倒闭了。