- He is engaged in studies in linguistics. 他从事于语言学的研究。
- He was learned in the ways of the world. 他精通人情世故。
- Literary studies have been cross-fertilized by new ideas in linguistics. 文学研究从语言学方面的新见解中受益良多。
- I have jotted down all the new words I have learned in a notebook. 我把我学的新词全都记在一个笔记本上了。
- His training in linguistics is deficient. 他在语言学方面受到的训练是有缺陷的。
- The secretary has a diploma in linguistics. 秘书有语言学的文凭。
- Jim has got a lot to learn and ten more years to learn in it. 吉姆对此知道的太少了,得再花10年的时间学习。
- The department offers courses in linguistics. 这个系有语言学课程。
- I've jotted down all the new words I've learned in a notebook. 我把我学的新词全都记在一个笔记本上了。
- He distinguished himself in linguistics. 他在语言学方面享有盛名。
- Anthony Bruck had a doctorate in linguistics. 安东尼?布鲁克就是语言学博士。
- I learned in a hard school and I knew the importance of hewing to the line. 我在一所要求严格的学校念过书,因此知道服从纪律的重要性。
- In linguistics, rock is a derivative word. 在语言学中,“石头”属于派生词。
- A learned man is not learned in everything. 有学问的人并非什么都懂。
- What is learned in the cradle lasts till the grave. 婴孩时期学到的东西,老死不会忘记。
- In this book, the author survey recent developments in linguistics. 作者在本书中概述了语言学目前的发展情况。
- I've forgotten everything I learned in school. 在学校里学的一切东西都忘记了。
- It's one of the reference books for my BA in Linguistics FYP. 可不必是真有其人。想我,真栩栩应该有点姿色。
- Say the word being learned in Chinese. 说出正在学的这个单词的中文。
- Sum up what you have learned in your notebook. 把你所学的概略地写在你的笔记本上。