- How did FIs/FDs and various worked-examples presentation ways create interactive effect on probability learning tasks. 不同认知方式与样例的不同呈现方式对学习效果影响的交互作用。
- There is interactive effect in the dimensions of life satisfaction,negative affection and altruism behaviors in terms of time and grade of using hearing aid. 配戴助听器的时间与年级在生活满意、负性情感、利他行为这三个维度上存在交互效应。
- The additive effect of Glu-Bi locus was the same important as the interactive effect among Glu-B, locus and Glu-D1 locus on falling number. 对降落值以1B的加性效应和1B×1D的互作效应为主;
- This paper analysos Guangzhou UMT and the real estate along lines, discusses the interactive effect of the real estate development and UMT. 以广州市轨道交通沿线房地产的实例进行分析,阐述城市轨道交通与沿线房地产开发之间的互动效应。
- The interactive effect of enhanced UV-B radiation and acid rain on seed germination and seedling growth of soybean were investigated. 研究了UV-B辐射增加与酸雨的复合处理对大豆种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。
- In addition, the temperature and concentration had interactive effect to seed germination and the seedling growth of Picea schrenkiana and the endogenous hormone. 此外,实验结果还表明,温度和浓度对天山云杉种子萌发和幼苗生长存在交互效应,并且对此过程中内源激素的影响也存在交互效应。
- The paper discusses interactive effect between college PE and urban community PE,and puts forward new innovations for the mutual promotion and coordinated development. 高校体育与城市社区体育要相互促进、协调发展,本文并就如何互动性发展提出了一些新思路。
- The interaction effect is significant at the 01 level. 相互作用的影响在01级别非常明显。
- Thus pectin and glucose has good interaction effect. 因此,果胶-葡萄糖的组合对膜各性能的改善效果较佳。
- Variation of chlorophyll content and chl a/b in leaves of soybean under doubled CO 2 concentration and O 3 concentration as well as their interactive effect were studied in open-top champers (OTC). 利用开顶箱 (OTC)法研究了在CO2 和O3 浓度倍增及其复合作用下 ,大豆叶片叶绿素含量及叶绿素a/b值的变化规律。
- The positive interactive effect of applied zinc and soil moisture treatments on plant growth and Zn uptake was observed. The highest biomass of plants was found under zinc application and adequate soil moisture. 施锌显著提高了土壤中交换态锌、碳酸盐结合态锌和铁锰氧化物结合态锌的含量及其在全量中比例,而且0-2mm根际土壤中铁锰氧化物结合态锌出现积累,若土壤水分充足,施锌0-2mm根际土壤中有机态锌出现积累。
- Considering the interactive effect between oil depot and environment, the systematic design method will be more economical and reasonable than the traditional turnover coefficient method. 考虑了油库与环境的交互作用,因而与传统的周转系数法相比,运用文中建立的油库系统库存模型设计的库容将更为经济与合理。
- The paper presents how to call ASP in Flash,thus combining Flash with database to make an dynamic animation with the interactive effects. 介绍了在Flash中调用ASP,从而把Flash和数据库联系起来做出具有动态交互效果的动画来。
- The city library is a new fulcrum in building urban culture,and the paper expounds the interactive effects on both urban culture and libraries. 城市图书馆是城市文化建设的一个新的支点,文章论述了城市文化与图书馆的互动效应。
- All of the components should interact effectively and there is not an overemphasis of any one component. 但是,随即有一个女生站起来反驳我,她说师生面对面的交流总会比那种对着冷冰冰的显示屏的交流要好的多得多。
- Interact effectively with a wide variety of people within the company and related external professional support teams in a global environment. 与公司各资能团队及外部专业国际公司保持高效沟通。
- I expect the teams to develop their own work style, interact effectively, and develop ways of resolving conflicts for the betterment of the team. 我期望和小组已他们自己的工作方式进行开发,有效地互动,并且找到解决冲突的方法。
- Callis, V. C. (1977), Interactive effects of achievement anxiety, academic achievement, and instructional mode on performance and course attitudes. , Disser, Abstr, 37(8), 4915-. 许锡珍、陈秀如(1974);国中新生学科成就鑑别测验之初步报告;辅导月刊;11();26-30.
- There was no interaction effect on the VMO:VL IEMG ratio between the hip and ankle positions. 髋关节与踝关节两者之摆位,对股内斜肌与股外肌的肌电活动比例无交互作用的影响。
- Furthermore, interactive effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and other environmental factors also have important influences on photosynthesis. 此外,CO2浓度升高与其它环境因子相互作用对植物的光合作用也具有重要影响。