a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
用作名词 (n.)
The bank can issue a letter of indemnity to the shipper. 银行可向承运人出具保证函。
He have to pay an indemnity of&100. 他必须支付100英镑的赔偿。
The victorious nations are demanding huge indemnities from their former enemies. 战胜国要求战败国交付巨额赔款。
Indemnity can be deducted from the salary of laborer. 赔偿金额可以从劳动者的工资扣除。
Life insurance and personal accident policies are not indemnity contracts. 人寿保险和人身意外保险的保险单不是赔偿合同。
The latter will be expected to offer professional indemnity insurance products because the trustees for MPF schemes will be required to take out such insurance. 我们预期一般保险业会提供专业弭偿保险计划,因为强积金计划的受托人必须为计划投购这类保险。