- To expand and increase value of land in the industrial estate for the benefit of the customers and the organization. 为实现客户及企业组织的利益而扩大和提升其在工业园区的土地价值。
- Strategic Partnership An agreement with an individual or company that helps to raise capital or increase value through its industry and market connections. 战略伙伴。:。通过双方的产业和市场联系与个人或公司签署的协议,目的是帮助公司募集资本、提升价值。
- These days, there is much discussion concerning Web services and how they can help, both technically and economically, to lower costs and increase value for businesses. 目前,有很多讨论涉及到Web服务以及它们如何在技术和经济方面帮助降低成本和提高商业价值。
- From the beginning, Tim has built the company on a simple philosophy: manufacture product on time, meet specifications, increase value, and provide a pleasant work environment. 从一开始,添建成了公司就一个简单的哲学是:制造产品时,符合规格,增加价值,并提供一个舒适的工作环境。
- Compared with the manner of addition Cr simply, add Cr with Sn can increase value of Brinell hardness and quanties of pearlite, but it has less influence on the upgrade of distance between commutator segments of pearlite. 相对于单纯加Cr,采用Cr+Sn的合金加入方式可以明显提高铸件的布氏硬度值和组织中的珠光体量,但对于提高珠光体的片间距等级和减少渗碳体量则效果不明显。
- Private collectible insurance companies will often provide a certain percentage increase on a regular basis to provide for new purchases and increased value of the collection. 私人收藏品保险的公司往往会提供一定比例的增加,定期的基础上,以提供新的购货额和增加值的收集。
- Waylayer At the beginning of combat the ATB-bar of all hero's troops has an increased value of 2% per hero level. 伏击战斗开始时,英雄所有部队的ATB时间槽有英雄每等级2%25的提高。
- A monotonically increasing value that represents the amount of time the system has been running. 单调增长的系统运行时间; 可以通过time source; xtime及wall_to_monotonic计算出来.
- It is encouraging to note that Chinese companies increasingly value Singapore as a hub for attracting capital and financial management expertise. 令人鼓舞的是越来越多中国公司将新加坡视为吸引资金和金融管理的枢纽。
- Typically it will be a monotonically increasing value starting from a random seed, but the client is free to use whatever request IDs it likes. 一般它会是一个从随机基数开始的递增值,不过客户端想用什么样的请求ID都可以。
- Actually, creation value and increasing value is distinguishing, popularly is told, creating value can be creation surplus value only. 其实 ,创造价值与增加价值是有区别的 ,一般地讲 ,创造价值只能是创造剩余价值。
- With product differentiation increasingly harder to achieve, the key to customer loyalty is to increase value and personalization with the best possible customer interactions in their native languages. 随着实现产品差异化的难度不断加大,保持客户忠诚度的关键在于增加产品的价值、并更人性化地采用客户的本地语言与客户进行交互。
- The elements of the ArrayList must already be sorted in increasing value according to the sort order defined by comparer; otherwise, the result might be incorrect. 必须已经根据comparer定义的排序顺序按升序排序ArrayList的元素;否则,结果可能不正确。
- We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加。
- The aggregative index in the stock market, the increasing value in industry, and the consumptive total amount of city residents are chosen as macroscopic indexes. 特别是在1998年央行取消商业银行的信贷总规模控制政策手段以后,证券市场的货币政策传导作用大为加强。
- We get an automatic increase in pay every year. 我们的薪金每年会自动增长。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- There was uproar over the tax increase. 增税引起了一片怨声。
- He added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。
- The government hopes to hold salary increase to 3%. 政府希望将工次增长率控制在3%25。