We must face the fact of our human imperfections. 我们必须面对人类的不完美。
They believe they have too many flaws and imperfections for God to love them. 他们相信自己有太多的缺陷及不完美,所以不值得神爱他们。
Love blinds one to imperfections. 爱情使人看不见缺点。
The imperfections of the instrument increase this value. 仪器的缺点又加大了这个数值。
But ever finer control of the temperature gradient around the seed is eliminating the telltale imperfections that jewelers could once detect with a magnifying glass. 然而,一种能更精细控制晶种周围温度梯度的方法,正逐渐去除这种遮掩不了的瑕疵。