- Jervois beauty of the world must, Guilin, a human landscape. 苏杭美景天下绝,桂林山水甲人间。
- Chuxiong state has rich natural and human landscape. 楚雄州有丰富的自然资源和人文景观。
- More and more people from the world are attracted by its unique human landscape, beautiful plateau natural scenery. 它独特的人文景观和优美的高山高原自然风光以强大的魅力吸引着世界各地越来越多的人们。
- Lake Bridge pavilions, rockeries and corridors, and other human landscape Greenwood Plaza Decorating the meantime. 湖桥亭台、假山回廊、绿林广场等人文景观装点其间。
- French human landscape including churches, parks, museums and castles, its number is frightening. 法国人文景观主要包括教堂、公园、博物馆和城堡,其数量之多令人瞠目。
- Word can not be illegal, and will have a Royal seal Rokuei plans. 100 bifurcated rock paintings in North China is not only a major human landscape. 圣言不可违,也就有了御封的鹿影图。百岔岩画不仅是我国北方的一大人文景观。
- In high mountain scenic spots, secluded valley, Lin Micronesia,shi qi , beautiful natural scenery and human landscape each other and attractive. 景区内山高、谷幽、林密、石奇,优美的自然风景与人文景观交相辉映,引人入胜。
- Third, remote beaches and dignified human landscape, is a covertang ming qing Chinese culture and religious picture books. 三滩的人文景观悠远而凝重,是一部涵盖汉唐明清的文化典籍和宗教画卷。
- Jinhu large Danxia Geopark in the landscape as the main body, along with granite landscape and the human landscape, such as embellishment of them. 大金湖地质公园以丹霞地貌景观为主体,同时还有花岗岩地貌景观和人文景观等点缀其中。
- A virgin forest, hunting grounds, Yang Luchang, temples, tombs of the Liao and Jin Kwan, Golden Hill Park and other natural and human landscape. 有原始森林、狩猎场、养鹿场、寺庙、辽金年代古墓群、金山公园等自然和人文景观。
- Methods Convalescents were placed in natural land-scape and human human landscape by hospital staff to to promote recovery. 方法在景观疗养过程中,医护人员进行科学的指导,使疗养员置身于自然景观和人文景观之中,促进疗养员的身体健康和疾病康复。
- Chinese Traditional Garden and English Landscape Garden which prevailed in 18 century were the most important human landscape gardens of all gardens before modern society. 中国传统园林与盛行于18世纪的英国自然风景园,是现代社会以前人类自然式园林艺术的重要代表者。
- The beautiful natural scenery and rich human landscape to attract people to come to worship at home and abroad must not Tongxinluo Station, visitors have come to Moke tourism. 优美的自然风景及丰富的人文景观吸引前来朝拜的海内外人士络驿不绝,游人墨客纷纷前来旅游观光。
- Jianfu Palace, the Temple founder, and the human landscape, such as Chaoyang Dong Jin Bianyan, stalagmite-feng, Zhang Ren mountain scenery enriched by each other. 建福宫、祖师殿、朝阳洞等人文景观与金鞭岩、石笋峰、丈人山等自然风光彼此增色。
- Study on a collection of poems on Macau by Portuguese writer Alexandre Pinheiro Torres (description/representation of the city's natural, and human landscape). 本文研究葡萄牙作家亚历山大.;皮内洛
- Landscape resources consistof natural landscape resource and humane landscape resource. 景观资源包括自然景观资源和人文景观资源。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Humanities landscape in some places, and on the development of tourism pyronaridine. 有的地方风景人文好 ,就发展旅游咯。
- Kunyu Mountain is a famous Taoist, Pinnacle wins mountain range, Gu Mu towering, beautiful, quiet environment, natural landscape and rich and varied human landscape, is a beautiful scenic area. 昆嵛山是道教名山,峰峦叠翠,古木参天,风光秀丽,环境幽静,自然景观和人文景观丰富多彩,是一处美丽的风景名胜区。
- The location where Yuanhua perches, boasts one complex commercial block which combines commerce, humane landscape, scene tourism etc. 元华所处地段是集商业、人文景观、风景旅游为一体的综合性商业街区。