The higher level monsters have a greater chance of dropping rare items. 更高级别的怪物有较大的机会下降稀有物品。
The deeper code can access the resource that code higher on the call stack denies. 则该较深代码可以访问调用堆栈上较高级别的代码所拒绝的资源。
Dangerously high levels of poisonous chemicals were found in the river. 在这条河里发现了危险的高标有毒化学物质。
Royalties will be donated to the Children's High Level Group, to benefit institutionalised children in desperate need of a voice. 这本书的版税将无偿捐献给儿童高标团,为那些在此制度之下急需表达呼声的孩子们一些帮助。
Within each family there is a range of voltages that the circuit will recognize as a high or low level. 在每个系列中都有一系列电路将识别为一个高电平或低电平的电压。
The study results provide the basis for the reasomable selection of the lidar to identify the level under different application conditions. 这一研究结果为不同应用条件下,激光雷达鉴别电平的合理选取提供了依据。