- The chairman poured cold water onto all our suggestions for fund raising. 董事长对我们筹集资金的所有建议都泼冷水。
- Use concession as fund raising method. 特许经营被当作引资手段。
- Have you hear about our fund raising about it yet, ron. 你听说我们为年轻运动员集资的计划了吗?
- The fund raising event will be followed by a small party. 募捐活动后将会有个小型晚会。
- Have you heard about our fund raising for the young athelets? 你听说我们为年轻运动员集资的计划了吗?
- Such companies can be established by means of sponsoring or fund raising. 公司可采取发起方式或者募集方式设立。
- Any enquiries, please contact our Fund Raising Officer, Ms Stella Chu. 如有任何查询;欢迎赐电与筹款主任朱锦霞小姐联络.
- Sabah DAP is organizing a fund raising event by public donation in Sabah. 沙巴民主行动党在沙巴州已进行一项为明福基金的公众筹款活动。
- A new ASTA/MAT fund raised about $800 million. 新的ASTA/MAT基金筹集了约8亿美元。
- Fund raising constitutes a bottleneck in the development and management of many enterprises. 资金筹措是许多企业发展与创业经营的瓶颈。
- He displayed prodigious fund raising capabilities, setting a new Texas record for a House candidate. 在筹集资金方面他表现出令人惊叹的才能,创造了得克萨斯州众议院侯选人的新纪录。
- One day open cafe/ bar as a fund raising event to support the handicapped people who need to rehabilitate their job”. 这一次,我们将会搅一个”一天的咖啡/吧开放日”,用来作慈善筹款项目来帮助那些需要的患者重新做工作。
- Every region and related ministries increased the investigation and penalty for irrational fines, fees, fund raising and illegal contribution. 各地区和有关部门加大了对乱罚款、乱收费、乱集资和各种摊派的查处力度。
- Consultancy and advisory roles for internationalization, fund raising and IPO activities. 提供项目融资、企业国际化和海外上市等咨询顾问服务。
- NWCS is going to sell moon cakes (made by Sheng Kee Bakery and Cake) for fund raising. 北威中文学校将贩售生计月饼募款。
- The USCCC holds a fund raising party for New York State Assemblyman Jimmy Meng on Oct. 16 th, 2004 . 2004年11月29日,率团参加在中国海南省海口市举行的2004海内外华人友好商会(海南)交流会。
- Every region and related ministries increased the investigation and penalty for irrational fines,fees,fund raising and illegal contribution. 各地区和有关部门加大了对乱罚款、乱收费、乱集资和各种摊派的查处力度。
- Fund raising: The organized activity or an instance of soliciting money or pledges, as for charitable organizations or political campaigns. 募捐活动:如为慈善机构或政治运动筹集资金或物品的有组织的活动或事件。红鼻子日是英国一个募捐日,是由知名的西方搞笑救济组织。
- The panto was performed by more than 50 Expats living in Qingdao for charity fund raising, to help poor children with school cost and heart surgery. 50多位外籍演员参与了演出,此次演出为慈善义演,所有的善款将被捐助给贫困儿童,作为学费和心脏手术的费用。
- Reduce interlocution of farmer burden policy (6) ask: National explicit order cancels collect fees to the farmer, what does fund raising project have? 减轻农民负担政策问答(六)问:国家明令取消的向农民收费、集资的项目有哪些?